Welcome to the Atlantic GMAT blog! We’ve been helping New Yorkers knock out the GMAT for the past decade and would be happy to share our knowledge about the test with you. Below you’ll find dozens of expert articles from practical timing strategies to inspirational GMAT success stories. If you have any questions go ahead and comment on the article and we’ll get back as soon as we can. Happy studies!
Top Posts
GMAT Percentiles & 80th% Quant Confusion
A detailed analysis of GMAT percentiles and why an 80th percentile Quant score isn’t necessary for admission to a top MBA program.
Is a 690 GMAT Score good enough for Columbia? Another NYC Quant Battle!
Another NYC Quant Battle to a 690 GMAT Score! But is it good enough? A 640, a dubious quant score, a 690 on the horizon …
GMAT vs. LSAT: the battle of the standardized test titans!
Both the GMAT and the LSAT have unique challenges. Which is the harder test? Read on as we analyze their anatomies and suggest a study method for people pursuing joint JD/MBA programs
GMAT vs GRE for MBA Admission (2022)
Most people would do well starting off with the GMAT and then, if needed, considering the GRE as a second option. But there are reasons to start GRE that we’ll discuss.
GMAT 770 in 5 weeks: Wow
A good foundation for a GMAT 770 He’d already achieved a 710 GMAT score but Rich had his eye on HBS and wanted to re-take …
GMAT Break (when should I take it?)
Taking your Break on the Official GMAT The break on the old GMAT used to be 10 minutes but then, without any explanation, got shrunken …
GMAT Tips + Tricks (Common Sense Quant Speed Advice)
GMAT Tips, Tricks, and Speedy Problem Solving (All about the workflow!) There is a lot of discussion around learning tips and tricks, memorizing formulas and …
New GMAT Score Conversion (is it going to change?)
New GMAT Score Conversion (is it going to change?) The newest edition of the GMAT (formerly called the Focus Edition) scores on a different scale …
How to Switch to the New GMAT
How to switch to the New GMAT? Good news: there isn’t much (if any) new content to learn in order to switch from the old …
How to Study for the GMAT
Study strategy, tips and tricks, and general guidance on how to prepare for the GMAT
Using the LSAT for GMAT Verbal Practice
My guess is that you want a shot at an impressive MBA program and that you’re ready to take some unconventional steps in order to improve your GMAT verbal score. You’ve come to the right place!
Studied for Classic, Switching to GMAT Focus (it will be OK!)
Running out of time with GMAT Classic (switching to GMAT Focus) You started your GMAT preparation in 2023 (or before) and although GMAT focus chatter …
GMAT Focus Edition (Analysis of NEW GMAT)
GMAT Focus Edition is Coming (soon) GMAC is making big changes to GMAT that will be presented by the end of 2023. The new test, …
Is Risking a GMAT Attempt Worth It?
Are you actually ready for an Official GMAT? GMAT attempts are limited, 5 per year, and not inexpensive, $275 per attempt (depending on where you …
Indecisive on Critical Reasoning (or RC)?
How to stop waffling on tough Critical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension questions You’ve read the CR argument and it seems reasonable. You’ve got a grip …
GMAT tutoring student success stories with specific study tips to help you achieve your goals
GMAT 700 to 780 Superwoman!
700 to 780 GMAT Score Superwoman! She’d had no GMAT classes or tutoring and had only studied quant but Lauren still managed a 700 GMAT …
760 GMAT Score (99th%) on a budget
710 to 760 GMAT (99th percentile) on a shoestring budget Harriet came in with an impressive profile and a bold goal: 760 GMAT or bust! …
730 GMAT in 3 weeks? Nope. We hit rock bottom.
Chasing a 730 GMAT Score to Rock Bottom (and back) A good chunk of our GMAT tutoring is with non-native english speakers. Enter Manuel – …
Earning an HBS GRE 163
Earning an HBS GRE Score from 155 to GRE 163! Already a test prep veteran, Jason had been through countless hours of GRE tutoring and …
GMAT 560 to 710 one step at a time
From a 560 to a 710 GMAT score one step at a time For months you’ve used every available minute after work (and sometimes during) …
GMAT Test Day Tips
Strategy for test day: timing, skipping, guessing, mental game, and test anxiety
GMAT Timing Strategy Deep Dive [2021]
GMAT Timing is a challenge you can overcome by ignoring your instincts! My guess is that most people prefer standard pen and paper tests on …
Improve GMAT Verbal Timing (even you verbal superstars)
Improve Verbal Timing (and your verbal score) Emails from prospective clients focus overwhelmingly on quant issues. We see a ton of: I’m comfortable with verbal …
Be Brave but Not Stubborn (GMAT timing)
To Conquer Timing and Mental Game: Be Brave but NOT Stubborn When first started as a GMAT tutor in New York, I didn’t think as …
What if I fail Integrated Reasoning or AWA?
Are there any admissions repercussions from low Integrated Reasoning (IR) or AWA scores? The short answer: not really. IR and, even more-so, AWA don’t matter …
On GMAT Day I Forget Everything
Even as an experienced GMAT tutor my brain empties on test day… It’s true. And I’ve taken the GMAT 9 times, earned four 99th percentile …
GMAT Format
Everything you need to know about the structure of the test including detailed coverage of GMAT online and how it compares to the in person test
GMAT Online vs in person? [all new rules Oct. 2021]
Should you take a GMAT online or in-person? [updated with newest online GMAT rules] Before September 23rd 2020 it was absolutely in your best interest …
Should I take the Online GMAT Exam?
A flawed exam but an easy choice The rules for online GMAT have changed so this article is a lot less relevant. Here’s an updated …
Scheduling GMAT (with no appointments available)
How to get an in person GMAT scheduled with no availability near you Scheduling a GMAT, especially if you live in a place with a …
Rescheduling your GMAT got a little pricier…
I was advising a private tutoring student to reschedule a test and noticed that GMAT rescheduling has increased in price from $50 to $60.
Online GMAT Score Flagged for Administrative Review?
Why did your online GMAT score get flagged for administrative review (mostly related to people scoring 700+)? You’ve studied for months grueling through thousands of …
Economist GMAT Reading Comprehension
Improve your RC skills by reading a challenging article every day (we’ve selected a bunch and added some structure to support the process)
Reading the Economist = Better GMAT Reading Comprehension
GMAT Reading Comprehension requires some solid reading skills. Practice your reading with The Economist (scroll down for article links)! So you want to improve your …
Economist Reading Comprehension Challenge #2
Here is the second set of Economist Reading Comprehension Challenge. Enjoy! A Debt to Pleasure http://www.economist.com/news/finance-and-economics/21576645-nobel-prizewinner-argues-overhaul-theory-consumer-choice 1. In the experiment mentioned in the third paragraph …
Economist Reading Comprehension Challenge #3
Here is the third installment of the Economist Reading Comprehension Challenge. Enjoy! Here is a link to the article: http://www.economist.com/news/united-states/21576688-unpaid-student-athletes-are-heart-multi-billion-dollar-industry-fair-or-foul FAIR or FOUL 1. The …
Economist Reading Comprehension Challenge #4
Here is the fourth installment of the Economist Reading Comprehension Challenge. Good Luck! http://www.economist.com/news/science-and-technology/21581978-sportsmen-who-take-drugs-may-be-prisoners-different-game-athletes-dilemma ATHLETE’s DILEMMA 1. According to the passage, the attitude referred to …
Reading the Economist = Better GMAT Reading Comprehension
GMAT Reading Comprehension requires some solid reading skills. Practice your reading with The Economist (scroll down for article links)! So you want to improve your …
GRE format, how it compares to the GMAT, how to switch over from GMAT to GRE and more!
GMAT vs GRE for MBA Admission (2022)
Most people would do well starting off with the GMAT and then, if needed, considering the GRE as a second option. But there are reasons to start GRE that we’ll discuss.
GRE vs LSAT: Law School Test Title Fight!
For law school take the LSAT. For joint degrees take the GRE. For the reasoning and more details read on!
GRE to GMAT Conversion in 2021
As the GRE becomes more settled as an MBA admissions exam we’re going to be doing more GRE articles. Here we’re looking at GRE to …
GRE Now Available for at Home Testing (no joke)
Yes, you read that right. The GRE can now be taken at home. With Pearson Vue test centers closed until April 16th due to Coronavirus, …
GMAT vs GRE for MBA Admission (2022)
Most people would do well starting off with the GMAT and then, if needed, considering the GRE as a second option. But there are reasons to start GRE that we’ll discuss.
GMAT Materials
All the important official GMAT materials you need and strategies for how to use them effectively
GMAT Practice Test Suggestions
Official GMAT practice tests are scarce. We’ll discuss best practices for using them.
Can you do TOO many practice questions?
Can too much drilling be counterproductive? Yes. What????? Yes, you can “drill” yourself into the ground with practice questions. There are a bunch of thing …
Do you need the most updated Official Guide?
Can you succeed using an older version of the GMAT Official Guide? Yes. 100%. At some point (a long time ago…) I was doing most …
Done with course. How should I study with the Official Guide?
Suggestions for working through the GMAT Official Guide (after having done a GMAT class of some sort) You have taken a GMAT online class or …
Exam Pack 2 Review
Exam pack 2 is fresh, packed to the gills with official GMAT material organized into two computer adaptive tests powered by the official GMAT algorithm.
GMAT Question of the Day
Challenging GMAT Quant Questions and In Depth Explanations to Sharpen You for Test Day
GMAT Question of the Day – DS – Geometry 2
GMAT Question of the Day – Data Sufficiency – Geometry Is the perimeter of parallelogram ABCD greater than 10? (1) Sides AB and BC are …
GMAT Question of the Day April 9th – DS Statistics
Set M contains a set of consecutive integers. What is the standard deviation of set M? (1) Set M contains 17 numbers (2) The median …
GMAT Question of the Day 3 – DS – Exponents
GMAT Question of the Day – Data Sufficiency – Exponents/Number Properties If x and y are non-zero integers is x^(xy) > y^(xy)? 1) x^y > 0 …
GMAT Question of the Day -PS- Puzzle
GMAT Question of the Day – Problem Solving – Puzzle If each term of the sequence K1 + K2 + … + Kn is either …
GMAT Question of the Day -PS- Geometry
GMAT Question of the Day – Problem Solving – Geometry The perimeter of a right isosceles triangle is 8x + 4x√2. In terms of x …
GMAT Study Schedules
GMAT study schedules broken down by the day (based on an older version of the official guide but will give you a stellar outline for how to organize your GMAT studying)
GMAT Study Schedule
Game changing GMAT study schedule for people seeking 700+ GMAT scores. Based on an older Official Guide but the framework is as relevant as ever.
GMAT Schedule: Week 1
Welcome to the first week of your new GMAT life! (if you haven’t read the intro please start here) GMAT QUANT In this first week …
GMAT Schedule Week 2
(if you’re just getting started with the GMAT schedule you might want to start here) GMAT QUANT Week 2 During week 2 of your GMAT …
GMAT Schedule: Week 3
(if you are just getting started then you might want to read the intro to the GMAT Study Schedules) GMAT SCHEDULE WEEK 3: QUANT Yep, it’s …
GMAT Study Plan: Week 4
(if you are just starting out with these GMAT study plans then you might want to check out the intro to the GMAT Study Schedules) …
Executive Assessment (EA)
All about Executive Assessment prep: What’s covered, how to study, and what score you should aim for
How Many Times Can I Take the Executive Assessment?
Number of Executive Assessment Attempts Allowed When the EA was first launched you only had two measly attempts. That’s it. Quite a shock for those …
Executive Assessment vs GMAT
A quick comparison of the Executive Assessment and the GMAT
Executive Assessment FAQ
The Executive Assessment is a relatively new test for admission to Executive MBA programs worldwide. Because it is so fresh there are a lot of …