GRE, EA, and GMAT tutoring jobs (scroll down for the application)

Looking for a GMAT tutor job? We’re hiring! Executive Assessment and GRE as well. Tutoring at Atlantic is challenging but flexible and rewarding. The initial intensive phase of training takes 6-8 weeks to complete though to be a fully integrated teacher takes about a year.


Company Profile

Atlantic GMAT provides exceptional private tutoring for the GMAT, GRE, and Executive Assessment. We have a creative, thoughtful, and refined curriculum based on a couple of decades of tutoring experience supported by a massive trove of in-house only study materials. We also have a GMAT blog and Youtube channel.


Tutoring at Atlantic

Our tutoring program is super organized and structured but not a cookie cutter approach. We’ll support you with a fantastic curriculum and materials and train you to think in a way that will spark learning and eventually create success for you and your students.


Tutoring at Atlantic is challenging (in a good way). We have high expectations of ourselves and our clients. In addition, we very much take a team approach to the tutoring (we work as a group to plan/troubleshoot every preparation). We are always refining our method and hope that you can be a part of that!


Excellent compensation with room to grow

Tutoring pays really well. Teachers in training are paid $80/h for tutoring hours. Once fully trained, we aim for $150/h and do yearly reviews with potential increases.

Initial training takes 6-8 weeks but to ‘graduate’ and hit the full compensation takes about a year. You may move much faster but I would plan for a year.


Most (if not all at this point) tutoring is done online. So as long as you have a peaceful environment with a solid internet connection you are good to go (no geographic requirements).

For the first couple of years we have a minimum number of hours per week of teaching (12) that we would like you to commit to. It isn’t likely that we will have you booked for 12 hours a week to start but we want you to have the bandwidth so that there is plenty of space to approach the tutoring in the high quality way that tends to lead to success.

The ‘standard’ workday has gotten a lot more flexible but it is important to keep in mind that you will likely need at least some weeknight and weekend availability as a great majority of our students are working professionals still referencing the standard 9-5, M-F.

More than tutoring

This is a small and growing company and we would love for you to be involved with additional aspects of Atlantic (curriculum development, writing articles/explanations, teacher training, forum posting, podcast, videos, launching other divisions: admissions consulting/LSAT/SAT/ACT)


Application Requirements

Demonstrated ability in teaching

  • To be a great GMAT tutor you’ll need solid teaching skills. We’ll focus/sharpen them during training but you must have the fundamentals in place. The teaching experience doesn’t have to be in test preparation. If you have no formal teaching experience feel free to explain why you’d still be a great candidate.

Awesome standardized testing skills

  • Ideally you’ve already scored in the 99th percentile (or close to it) on the GMAT, GRE, or Executive Assessment. To interview we are happy to consider any stellar test scores or compelling reasons why you would be a great candidate BUT to start teaching you will need a 99th percent GMAT score or GRE equivalent. Also, we expect teachers to teach all three MBA exams (GMAT, GRE, and EA) eventually and strongly encourage taking GMATs/GREs/EAs regularly to stay sharp.

Superb verbal reasoning and writing skills

  • Quant wizard? That’s great as long your verbal is exceptional. Generally not looking for quant-only experts.
  • Along with tutoring there are a bunch of opportunities to contribute explanations, blog posts, and articles so great writing skills are a huge plus.

12 hours per week of teaching hours

  • Do you have to sign a contract in blood? No:) But we’re looking for people who want an amazing part-time job for the long term (think 3 years minimum). If you’re looking for a short term/in between kind of gig this isn’t it. Also, keep in mind that as you are starting out/new to the system, there will be more admin time than normal. So I would plan for about 18 hours (max) a week total commitment for the first two years (max 12hrs of teaching + 6hrs of communication with students/organizing HW/preparing for lessons…). After the first two years, there is no minimum and you can teach as much or as little as makes sense for you. The initial requirements are there because you need the hours to get the experience that will help make you an amazing teacher.


Interested in tutoring at Atlantic? Fill out the application below and attach a resume, cover letter, and potential ‘Tutor Bio’ with headshot assuming you were hired. The application/cover letter/bio is a great place to showcase your personality/unique experience. Use it! Also, please share any social media (Linkedin for instance) that might help give us a fuller picture of your experience.

If you are covering some/all of our application questions in the cover letter then go ahead and just note that in the application fields.

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