Andrew Geller

Andrew Geller is a top GMAT tutor based out of New York City. Throughout his career he has successfully taught people from many different backgrounds, countries, and starting scores.

GMAT Confidence

GMAT Confidence

GMAT Confidence The feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something. That’s the definition of confidence.  Sounds pretty good right?  That’s how you want to feel about your GMAT skills before you take your test right?  Yep.  I know.  It’s difficult to feel that way though. The GMAT is a challenging test […]

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GMAT Reading Comprehension Challenge

Economist Reading Comprehension Challenge #7

Oh airline industry. How nobody understands your woes… This week’s Economist Reading Comprehension article will (hopefully) resolve that. New to this game? You may want to check out the post on using the economist to improve GMAT Reading Comprehension.   The Economist: Why airlines make such meager profits The Article: 1. According to the

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GMAT Study Schedule Week 2 Runner

GMAT Schedule Week 2

(if you’re just getting started with the GMAT schedule you might want to start here) GMAT QUANT Week 2 During week 2 of your GMAT Quant preparation we will be focusing on exponents/roots/absolute value, Data Suffiency strategy, and some specific types of word problems (rates/work, averages, ratios, percent change). All of the underlying algebra is

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