The best GMAT prep possible doesn’t mean easy

Our GMAT tutoring program is powerful and versatile and could help just about anyone improve their GMAT score. But because our system is challenging and we hold our students to a very high standard the program isn’t a good fit for everyone.

Thinking of hiring us? Go ahead and read the rest of this page so that you get an idea of how we might work together on your GMAT prep. Looking for current GMAT tutoring rates? you’re welcome to click here.  But again, if you plan on hiring us for your GMAT prep best to read how we can help.

If you are looking to get the ball rolling visit the GMAT Consultations page for instructions on how to get started with the process. Keep in mind that it usually takes at least a week to book a first session as we always begin with a sketch of the entire preparation and then a call to discuss the plan and to see if we are a good fit. 


Our GMAT Tutoring Guarantee

We’ve refined a stellar curriculum, gathered all of the best of the best resources and made them even better by organizing them to fit our GMAT tutoring system, developed a way to organize GMAT prep by the day so we can have outsize influence outside of our sessions, and sharpened everything with thousands of hours of teaching experience. 

Even with all of that: our GMAT tutoring isn’t a magic bullet. We can’t guarantee a 99th percentile score or ensure acceptance to Harvard business school. We would never say that studying for the GMAT is easy or that having GMAT tutoring is an easy way out.

What we can honestly say: we can structure your preparation and provide the knowledge, materials, and accountability needed to dramatically increase your chances of success. We have helped many other students achieve their goals with a wide range of starting scores and strengths and weaknesses. Many former students have achieved the GMAT scores needed for admission into top five schools some with scholarships covering a large part of their MBA costs. We have helped students achieve whopping 200 point increases and less impressive 30 point increases (to crack 700 or improve an already fantastic 720) which they were unable to achieve with anybody else.



Let’s face it: the GMAT is rough. It is not a memorization test. It’s a super detailed logic test which covers a wide range of math and grammar concepts all tested in unorthodox ways. For most people, studying isn’t an easy habit to get into and improving a GMAT score is tough. Some people do very well preparing for the GMAT on their own (if going solo on your GMAT prep the GMAT Study Schedules might give you some helpful structure). Other people study for the better half of a year without reaching their goals.

The GMAT is based on straightforward rules but when you mix a bunch of simple stuff together you can make a pretty complex soup (think DNA). A GMAT tutor can make sure that you not only know all of the simple rules but how they come together. On a tough test like the GMAT you have to have a good method for problem solving. You have to think critically and use scarce resources (no calculator:)) to find solutions.  If you are looking for a tutor we will challenge you to work hard and smart to achieve your GMAT goals.

We will be very honest about the effort you need put forward to get the GMAT score that you want.



To get your GMAT brain in Olympic condition takes some really serious (more than you can imagine) practice.  Anybody who tells you that they can get a big increase without a lot of work is either lying or really does know magic. You can achieve huge score increases, but, generally, these wondrous improvements require substantial GMAT preparation. Take a look at these two articles for some idea: Long Road to 700+ GMAT and Harvard GMAT Score. Be prepared!

The good news is that if you work on your GMAT preparation with someone who has a lot of experience he/she can keep you on track and organized, and get the most out of what GMAT potential you have with the least amount of effort (the least amount could still be a ton of work!). That doesn’t mean a million hours of tutoring but certainly meaty amounts of HW and review and potentially a longer timeline than you think you might need in order to digest the material. Here is an example of a GMAT tutoring schedule from one of my past students:

gmat schedule
A GMAT Tutoring Schedule of a past student who scored a 720 on the GMAT.




If you want a brutally honest (but super sweet) GMAT tutor who will threaten to quit if you aren’t doing the proper amount of work needed to get your score then give us a call! That said, we have only stopped GMAT tutoring one person because he wasn’t getting HW done. It worked. We were re-hired a few months later and he went on to improve his score by 160 points.