Andrew Geller

Andrew Geller is a top GMAT tutor based out of New York City. Throughout his career he has successfully taught people from many different backgrounds, countries, and starting scores.

GMAT Reading Comprehension Challenge

Economist GMAT Reading Comprehension Challenge #26

Economist GMAT Reading Comprehension Challenge #26 Welcome back to the Economist Reading Comprehension Challenges! If this is your first there are some helpful reading strategies on the home page. Article: A lot of the periodic table is a result of neutron stars colliding Link: Living things are star… Other than hydrogen from the big bang, elements from

Economist GMAT Reading Comprehension Challenge #26 Read the Full Article »

GMAT Reading Comprehension Challenge

Economist GMAT Reading Comprehension Challenge #25

Economist GMAT Reading Comprehension Challenge #25 Welcome back to the Economist Reading Comprehension Challenge! If you’re just getting started with this reading visit the instructions on the GMAT Reading Comprehension Challenges home page. Article: Rice, maize and sorghum may be able to fix nitrogen from the air Link: Plants need nitrogen… Plants are unable to breakdown airborne

Economist GMAT Reading Comprehension Challenge #25 Read the Full Article »

GMAT Reading Comprehension Challenge

Economist GMAT Reading Comprehension Challenge #24

Economist GMAT Reading Comprehension Challenge #24 First time doing the challenges? Start here for some reading comprehension strategies. Article: Why retired people could be ideal customers for self-driving cars Link: New technologies… New technologies are normally first adopted by the young but according to Voyage, a silicon valley startup, the elderly will be the early adopters

Economist GMAT Reading Comprehension Challenge #24 Read the Full Article »