Andrew Geller

Andrew Geller is a top GMAT tutor based out of New York City. Throughout his career he has successfully taught people from many different backgrounds, countries, and starting scores.

Switching from GMAT to GRE

Switching from GMAT to GRE

Over the past year you haven’t left a test prep stone unturned in pursuit of the holy grail GMAT score to support your MBA application. Bewilderingly, given the amount of work committed, 5 times over you’ve tasted bitter defeat.  Retake? Nope. GMAC only grants 5 GMATs per year. Is it over? Is your application headed […]

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The value of (2^(-14) + 2^(-15) + 2^(-16) + 2^(-17))/5 is how many times the value of 2^(-17)?

The value of (2^(-14) + 2^(-15) + 2^(-16) + 2^(-17))/5 is how many times the value of 2^(-17)? A. 3/2 B. 5/2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5 Correct Answer: C Full explanation coming soon. Send us a note if you’d like this added to the express queue! You’ll find tons of practice questions, explanations

The value of (2^(-14) + 2^(-15) + 2^(-16) + 2^(-17))/5 is how many times the value of 2^(-17)? Read the Full Article »