New GMAT Score Conversion (is it going to change?)

New GMAT Score Conversion

New GMAT Score Conversion (is it going to change?)

The newest edition of the GMAT (formerly called the Focus Edition) scores on a different scale than the old GMAT. 

-Lower scores on the new scale map to higher scores on the old scale (a 645 NEW is roughly equal to a 700 OLD).

-All scores on the new scale end in 5 (GMAC stated that this is to make it easier for admissions to differentiate old from new),

Goodbye 700 Club…

If applying to competitive MBA programs, most people will be aiming for scores in the mid/high 600s. For everyone used to pursuing the minimum 700+ and the more comfortable 730+, these 600 level scores may feel underwhelming and take some adjustment (it feels strange to say that a 695 is a monster GMAT score!).

Will new GMAT scores change?

There has been some discussion about whether the conversion tables can be trusted and whether new GMAT score equivalents are going to go up. Meaning, is the 675+ always going to be considered 730+ or will that change?

There is little (basically no) evidence to suggest that the conversion will change.

Percentiles will change (they almost always do)

That said, the associated percentiles will change as the population of test takers changes. Old GMAT quant percentiles drifted quite a bit over the years (as did composite score percentiles).

But the scaled scores, and the skills they represent did not change. A 45 on the quant was a decent score when it was the 80th percentile and it was also a decent score when it dropped to the 59th percentile. 

Median scores at MBA programs will change

It is also likely that median scores at MBA programs will change (up or down but usually up). So a 675 could be below the median at the top 5 MBA programs in a few years.

But again, the conversion can be trusted and you can take your new GMAT score at face value. Any other change (percentile or MBA medians) would have affected the old GMAT as well so there is nothing new to worry about.