Running out of time with GMAT Classic (switching to GMAT Focus)
You started your GMAT preparation in 2023 (or before) and although GMAT focus chatter had started, there was plenty of time remaining to achieve your target score on the old GMAT classic.
But GMAT preparation tends to take longer than planned.
Not necessarily because of a lack of effort. But most people aren’t only managing GMAT studying. And those other parts of your life, mainly your job, can get in the way of a quality preparation.
You can do everything right but still take longer than expected
Also, maybe you did everything right but you just had a long road ahead of you. If you were aiming for 200 points that can simply take a long time to achieve. Even a stubborn 50 points can take half a year.
All of that said, you may not get to the finish line with your GMAT score in hand by January 31st, when GMAT classic is put out to pasture.
GMAT Focus is AOK
The good news is: you have a very decent option. GMAT Focus!
I have a couple of tutoring students in this position and they have expressed concern. My message to them and to you is: everything is OK. The new test is (not surprisingly) very similar to the old test. Yes, sentence correction is gone. Those hours becoming a modifier assassin are lost (at least in terms of GMAT). If you love geometry. Yes, you’re out of luck. But, everything else is pretty much the same.
There is integrated reasoning. But IR has been around forever and the vast majority of our tutoring students don’t study for it specifically and have generally achieved solid scores. I am not saying don’t practice IR for GMAT focus. At this point, because it factors in to the composite score, it is 100% worth studying. That said, you don’t have to learn anything new but just practice the format.
Plan based on your goals not on GMAT Classic vs GMAT Focus
The main point: don’t stress about the test changing. It has changed before and everything was fine.
If you need more time to study then take that time. Your clock doesn’t have to run out with the end of GMAT classic. You can excel on the new test as well.
Good luck with your preparation. Happy studies!